Relationship between Temperature and the Magnetic Strength

Yusuf Ismail Koleleni *

Physics Department, Muslim University of Morogoro, P.O.Box 1031, Morogoro, Tanzania.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The magnetic field will attract ferrous materials like iron or nickel. It also attracts or repels other magnets depending, on the polarity of the other magnets Permanent magnets are made from materials that will remain magnetized and are hence able to maintain the magnetic field around them continuously. The study aims at investigating the effect of temperature on the strength of magnets; emphasizing both the scientific and practical significance the work provides knowledge to undertand the properties of magnets of its strength when confronted with different temperatures. Once the results are achieved then further studies on permanent loss of magnetic performance on a magnet when heated above. Curie temperature will follow. The methodology is based on Observations on the effect of temperature on the strength of magnets were made. The deflections made on the compass needle on magnet heated at different temperatures from 25o C to 98o C were recorded. The general conclusions were the effects of the temperature to the rate of the pull of a magnet are inversely proportional. That is the temperature of a magnet increases, it becomes weaker and as the temperature of a magnet decreases, it becomes stronger.

Keywords: Magnetic domains, cold strength magnet, Curie point, magnetic poles

How to Cite

Koleleni, Yusuf Ismail. 2025. “Relationship Between Temperature and the Magnetic Strength”. Asian Journal of Research and Reviews in Physics 9 (1):57-69.