Professor Vitalii A. Okorokov earned his PhD in 1996 at Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (at present the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI – NRNU MEPhI), degree of Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics in 2014 at NRNU MEPhI, Russian Federation. He is now Pro-fessor and Leading researcher in NRNU MEPhI.
Vitalii has worked in the HADES (1994-1995) and HERA-B (2001) international collaborations. He is member of STAR experiment at RHIC in BNL since 2001, ALICE experiment at the LHC in CERN since 2011; participates in the projects of sPHENIX experiment and EIC as institution board member in the last case. His scientific experiences include the physics analysis of experimental data and phenomenological investigation for strong interaction. The current studies are related to relativ-istic nuclear physics and high energy physics, especially, to collective phenomena and topological properties in strong interaction processes as well as asymptotic regime in elastic scattering at ultra-high energies.
In his university, Vitalii conducts lecture courses on general physics and scientific progress in world history. He has graduated 6 BS and 6 MS students. Vitalii is the author and co-author in two pub-lished textbooks on fractals in fundamental physics and over 240 research papers in leading physical journals.